迪士尼真人版《花木兰》启用白人男主 哈?!

时间:2021-11-21 11:01:46 英语四级 我要投稿
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迪士尼真人版《花木兰》启用白人男主 哈?!

迪士尼真人版《花木兰》启用白人男主 哈?!

In early 2015, Disney announced plans for a live-action reboot of the 1998 animated Disney film “Mulan” after purchasing a spec script from the writing team of Elizabeth Martin and Lauren Hynek. Since then, the anticipated adaptation has sparked concern over potential whitewashing.

On Monday, a startling anonymous article published on the blog Angry Asian Man alleged that the reboot’s original script exemplified the worst fears of many Asian-American readers by inserting a white male character as Mulan’s love interest and the ultimate hero of the script.
周一,一篇内容骇人听闻的匿名文章发布在”愤怒的亚洲人”上,声称重置原始剧本,加入一个美国白人作木兰的爱人和剧本主角 是许多亚裔美国人的噩梦

“Mulan” was based on a legendary Chinese woman warrior, Hua Mulan, immortalized in a sixth century poem, “The Ballad of Mulan.”

In the Disney adaptation, Mulan is a misfit among the marriage-minded women in her village. When her elderly father is conscripted into service to battle the Huns, Mulan secretly takes his place, posing as a man.

She heroically saves the empire from the invasion, and along the way meets a gallant officer, Captain Li Shang. Li Shang, also known to many as the hottest Disney prince ever, comes to respect her valor, even after learning her secret, and the two fall in love.

Notice anything missing from that plot summary? Yep, no white characters.

This latest report only deepens widespread concerns about how Disney will handle a live-action reboot of a movie with an all-Chinese cast of characters, as evidenced by an outburst of criticism on the Twitter hashtag #MakeMulanRight.
最近的报导又加深了人们对此事的关注,迪士尼会怎么处理重拍真人电影、怎么用全中国的演员阵容, 推特话题#还木兰真身已经有批评狂轰滥炸袭来。

With mounting pressure on social media to properly cast and script the reboot, Disney might well be taking pushback like #MakeMulanRight into account.

【迪士尼真人版《花木兰》启用白人男主 哈?!】相关文章:

迪士尼真人版花木兰定档2018 寻求中国女主演03-04







