
时间:2022-12-09 10:18:04 英语演讲 我要投稿
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  1.do you like making friends?and how do you make new friends ?

  2.what`s the most important thing in friendship?and what makes friendship break up?

  3.what`s the most embarrassing thing you have experienced?

  4.do you believe in love at the first sight ?can it be a lasting relationship?

  5.what is your major?why did you choose it ?

  6.tell something about your family .

  7.which do you prefer :reading books or watching tv?why?

  8.which city do you want to live in ?and why ?

  9.in your family ,what person do you admire most ?

  10.which do you prefer :our school staying in longzhou or moving to chongzuo ?

  11.if you had one week to do anything you wanted ,what would you do ?

  12.if you can go back in time and relive any time in your life ,what age do you want to be ?

  13.if you can have any pet you wanted ,what kind of pet would you have ?

  14.if you can choose to study at any university in

  china ,what university do you want to study at ?

  15.how do chinese usually celebrate birthdays?

  16.what do you think of one-child policy in china?

  17.is it good for china that so many people are going to other countries?

  18.what will you do if you are ill abroad?

  19.what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation?

  21.what do you do during the spring festival?

  22.how do you get on well with your roommates?

  23. someone says“to be a class leader will affect ones study results”,whats your opinions about it?

  24.speak out your ideas of smoking in public places.??

  25.when you are faced with a difficult problem,how do you solve it?

  26.do you think it is necessary to be unique?

  27.when you are misunderstood by your parents , what will you do???

  28.how do you make best use of your college life???

  29.is money all powerful?

  30.what is your weakness?篇二:英语演讲


  第十二届”外研社杯”英语演讲比赛2013年10月9日晚7点,我院在电力楼420教室举办了第十二届”外研社杯”英语演讲比赛,。学院团委副书记余红珍老师出席,城市学院公共外语教学部主任杨林伟教授和赵丽昆副教授担任评委,比赛由吴秋奇和余然主持。演讲比赛在流利的英语开场白中正式开始,比赛分为三个环节:命题演讲,评委提问,即兴演讲。共有14名学生参加比赛。其中命题演讲以《when socrates meets confucius》为题,要求选手在三分十五秒的时间内完成,参赛选手以充分的准备,或流利或激情的完成了第一部分的演讲,他们口语流利,情感丰富,但也有选手因紧张发挥失常了。






  (a 男 b 女)




  b:尊敬的各位嘉宾,亲爱的同学们! (ab)大家晚上好!

  b:欢迎参加本次邕江大学首届英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛。我是本次节目主持人李静( a:我是王迎峰。) 下面我宣布:本次邕江大学英语文化节开幕式暨英文演讲比赛——(ab)现在开始!


  a:let me introduce our judges, and honored guests. they are:




  b:好,在比赛开始之前。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎_________ 老师为我们致辞!!! (介绍比赛流程)


  (一) 比赛分为两轮:



  (二) 主题演讲由两个组成部分:



  (三) 第二轮为即兴演讲:



  the standard of judgment

  ①beautiful rich emotional speech (2 points)

  ②good and fluent pronunciation (2 points)

  ①pronounces clearly fluent(1 points)

  ②making a quick (1 points)

  ③smart reaction (1 points)

  ①the emotion reveals (1 points )

  ②the movement is moderate and posture nature (1 points) ①tidy clothes ,and good manner (0.5 points )

  ②natural stance and suitable posture (0.5 points )











  b:有请我们非英语专业组的第一位选手________上台演讲! 他演讲的题目是《_________》。 有请!!!


  b:thanks contestant no. ! for the wonderful performance!




  a:ladies and gentlemen, what’s going on will refreshing you a lot! there’s a song named

  b:好,紧张、激烈的比赛过后,让我们大家来放松一下。有请,献给大家!欢迎! (活动结束)

  b:接下来是英语专业组,欢迎第一位选手________上台演讲! 他演讲的题目是《》 。



  1、 Would you like to be a doctor or a teacher in the future ?

  I want to be a teacher like my mother when i grow up , because being a patient teacher can educate students and help them be more knowledgeable in study and life . Besides it will be helpful to keep a young heart to stay with students.

  2、Do you often complain of your father or mother because of their busy jobs?

  No , i dont . Although they are both very busy , i won’t complain about them . Because it is his job to heal patients and he must cure and take good care of his patients so that they can recover from their illnesses . / because it is her job to teach and educate students . She should help students be a useful and knowledgeable person . On the contrary , i am rather proud of them .

  3、Is your mother strict with you like other students ?

  Yes , actually she is much more strict with me than her students. Because am a little naughty in the daily life and she always says that it is very important for me to be a well-educated and intelligent person . If not , i won’t be able to live a good life and nobody will help me in the future.

  4、Can you describe one of your favorite books ?

  Hary Porter is one of my favorite books . Because it is very interesting and exciting . He is not only a kindhearted and upright man but helpful as well . He leads me to a wonderful and unusual world . What’s more, it teaches me how to be a brave and strong person.

  5、Can you tell us the meaning of “there is no royal road to learning “? I think it is never too old to learn . We can learn everything from our daily life and other people . Besides , books are our frinds. They always broaden our knowledge , enlarge our experience and strengthen our character.

  6、Can you tell me one of your best prizes ?

  The best prize of all the competitions is a wring competiton . And i got the first prize in this writing competition . usually, i like to express and deliver my own feelings and opinions with words .and there is also a power leading me to go ahead to travel in the books .

  7、Why do you like reading ?

  Reading is very helpful for every one. Because books always broaden our knowledge , enlarge our experience and strengthen our character. So a book is just like a window and it opens a new world for me . Maybe

  everybody should have a good habit of reading and make full use of books.


  mr. chairman, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

  peace─the word evokes the simplest and most cherished dream of humanity. peace is, and has always been, the ultimate human aspiration. and yet our history overwhelmingly shows that while we speak incessantly of peace, our aquinas tells a very different story.

  peace is an easy word to say in any language. as secretary-general of the united nations i hear it so frequently from so many different mouths and different sources, that it sometimes seems to me to be general incantation more or less deprived of practical meaning. what we really mean by peace?





  as clothes, food, shelter and travel are the four elements for life; we can not live without one of them. so is the case with other living things. maybe other living things can live without one of them, but they are not particular about that much. bacterium is very tiny living things, like a baby in them. what does the baby have to wear? what does the baby have to eat? where does the baby live? how does the baby move? we would like to know about these.











