
时间:2021-12-25 16:00:46 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  Miss Green was going to give a lecture on Monday afternoon. Yet on Sunday night she was told that she had to go to an important meeting the next day at exactly the same time. “No one can be in two places at once. What shall I do?”she thought. But soon, she had an idea.

  At five to three on Monday afternoon Miss Green went along to the lecture room. There were about twenty students waiting there for her.“I‘m sorry,”she told them, “I won‘t be able to give my lecture today.”The students looked surprised. Miss Green explained that she had an important meeting. “However,”she went on, “although I can‘t be with you myself, my voice can!”Then she put a small tape recorder on the desk. “You see, I‘ve recorded my lecture and you can listen to it without me.”Thinking that she had settled the matter, Miss Green turned on the recorder and left.The meeting finished a little early. Miss Green decided to go back to her students. She stood for a moment outside the lecture room, listening to her own voice. Then very quietly, she opened the door. To her surprise, the room was empty. As she looked around, she saw a number of recorders----all“listening”to her lecture.

  “Well,”she thought,“if I can be in two places at the same time,why can‘t they?”

英语作文 篇2

Dear David,

  I'm glad you'll come to Beijing to learn Chinese. Chinese is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it now. It's difficult for you because it's quite different from English. You have to remember as many Chinese words as possible. It's also important to do some reading and writing. You can watch TV and listen to the radio to practise your listening. Do your best to talk with people in Chinese. You can learn Chinese not only from books but also from people around you. If you have any questions, please ask me. I'm sure you'll learn Chinese well.

  Hope to see you soon in Beijing.


  Wang Ming






英语作文 篇3

  FriendsFriends are important. It has often been said that,” no man can live like an island”. As our population increases in size, this is becoming increasingly true. A person will have trouble coping with society without friends.Friends should not be confused(困惑的) with acquaintances. Acquaintances are people whom you may see often. But, you could never share weal(幸福) and woe(悲哀) with an acquaintance. Acquaintance are usually with you for what they can get. Maybe, they like to be with you because you are popular. People usually have few friends and many acquaintances.Friends are always there when you need them. They are dependable(可靠的') and responsible(需负责任的) they share your sorrow(悲痛) and happiness. They are not interested in what they can get from you. They influence your development, maturity(完善) and sense of responsibility. They also warn you when you are in danger of doing wrongly. Yes, friends are wonderful. It is nice to enjoy the warmth radiating(散发) form good friends.

英语作文 篇4

  I want to be a headmaster when I grow up. I think that’s a good job. My school is in the forest. It’s very beautiful. I go to work by Benz at eight o’clock in the morning. The teachers in my school are kind and patient. The female teachers in my school are good looking and young. The male teachers are handsome and strong.

  They are all hardworking so they gey. The children in my school have three classes in the morning. In the afternoon, they play and pick up mushrooms or strawberries in the forest. They have no homework. They are very happy! At four o’clock in the afternoon, I go home with kinds of mushrooms and fruits in my Benz. They are for my dinner.

英语作文 篇5

  From the drawing, we can learn that…… . It can be seen easily that…… . We can deduce from that people’s opinion on vary from person to person.

  Some people take it for granted that…… . For example, they firmly believe that…… . But they often neglect that fact that…… . Yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view. They think that…… . Beside,…… .

  Personally, my attitude for this matter is positive, with reasons as follows. Firstly,…… . Moreover,…… . Lastly,…… . Therefore,…… .

英语作文 篇6

  (一) 正确审题, 纲举目张

  审题是写好文章的第一步。初中生的作文是以写人、写事为主的情景作文,提供情景的形式花样繁多、不一而足,常见的有提纲、图片、表格、关键词 或引言等形式,虽形式各异,但只有正确审题,才能纲举目张。审题要做到弄清题目的要求、写作的意图,抓住要点,确定体裁,拟写提纲,确定所要表达的内容要 点。因提供情景的形式不同,所以写作的要求也不同。


  2、以图画形式提供情景的作文。这种形式的作文应以“看”为主,通过细心观察图中的人物、景物、文字、数字等弄清写作的意图;通过分析思考,把握逻辑 联系,找出主题并借助所给的文字把图中的信息转化成文章,但要注意,文章不能停留在图画的浅表而要表达出提供情景的意图和内涵,即“文在图上,意在画 外”。如命题为“W hat kind of pollution do we have in Shanghai?” Picture 1:The factories let out polluted water;Picture 2:The cars produce polluted smoke ;Picture 3:A man is coughing badly.写作时并不是简单的对图画进行描述,而是要通过这3幅图画的情景说明人类正在毁坏自己的家园,并唤醒人们的环保意识和与污染作斗争的决心,这 样才能体现出这篇文章的灵魂。

  3、以图表形式提供情景的作文。这种形式的作文要以“读”为主,通过读懂图表中的数据、时间、编码以及相互间的变化关系,对所给的信息加以分析、推 断、筛选概括,去粗存精。在写作时目的要明,要点要清,要注意内容的准确性和严肃性,尤其是图表中的数据、时间等不可出错。

  4、以关键词形式提供情景的作文。这种形式的作文要以“思”为主,通过已给出的关键字的提示,展开遐想的翅膀,把每个词视为思维链上的轨迹,环环紧 扣、节节相连。要注意,“思”要做到“思前顾后”,不可胡思乱想,文章既要打破框框和束缚,展得开,又能前后呼应,收得回。要注意关键词并不是文章的提 纲,应学会从关键词中寻找文章的纲目,提炼文章的重点,确定笔墨的主次轻重。

  5、以引言形式提供情景的作文。如“Situation: Your pen pal Alice is an American girl. She has never been to Shanghai. She wants to know what Shanghai is like to- day.”,对于这类形式的作文,首先设想自己要告诉A lice 一些什么内容,然后拟订提纲,再依纲行文,就不会盲目无序地乱写了。为了使文章更精彩、更具灵性,可以加上作者的情感、态度和观点,使文章鲜活起来。



  1、遣词造句要准确。如要表达“地球正处于危险之中”,应为The earth is in danger.,而很多同学却写成The earth is dangerous ,此句意为“地球是危险的”而不是“地球正处于危险之中”;再如,玩电脑游戏应为Play computer games. play 意为“操作电脑游戏”,但很多同学用P lay with computer games. play with 是指“玩弄、把玩”的意思。

  2、人称、主要时态要固定。人称和时态不固定会造成人物关系混乱和时间顺序颠三倒四,为了保证文章层次分明、条理清楚,在确定了文体后就要把人称和时 态定下来。如写人和写事一般用过去时写,为了避免把握不准时态,可以在文章的开头加上yesterday 、 last week 、 two days ago 等表示过去的时间状语。人称通常用“我”或“他”来写比较好叙述,而且从头至尾时态和人称要一致,不能随意改动,以免造成混乱。

  3、避免使用自己无把握的词。有些同学为了使自己的文章一鸣惊人,不愿意使用熟悉的常用词,而片面追求一些生冷的词汇,这些词他们往往不会用,不知道 如何搭配,结果适得其反,使文章显得生硬不协调,甚至错误连篇。如要表达“他没能和朋友联系上”,He failed to keep in touch with his friend. failed 表示“没能够”,但有些同学从“文曲星”等工具上查得disenable ,其意思为“使不能够”,是不可以代替f ail 的。所以在写作时,主动权掌握在自己手中,实事求是地选择自己有把握的词,避免不必要的失分是能够做得到的。

  4、注意两种语言的异同性。不同的语言有各自的表达习惯,如“我的理想是做个医生”,很多同学写成My ambition is to do / make a doctor. to do表示“做”或者“干”,to make 表示“制作”,而“做一个医生”则表示“成为一个医生”,应该用“be / become a doctor ”;再如,“看书、看报”应用read a book / newspaper ,而不是 see a book / newspaper ;“把书忘在家里”应该用l eave a book at home ,而不是 forget a book at home 等。因此平时应该特别注意不同的语言的习惯表达,望文生义,一味的生搬硬套,只会闹出诸如“我的理想是制作一个医生”的笑话。

  5、注意文采和逻辑结构。文章不是单词的堆砌,也不是简单句的罗列,既然是文章就理所当然的要考虑到文采。有些同学怕出错,只写短语和简单句,写出的 文章过于幼稚、空洞和贫乏,要使文章言之有物、有血有肉,就要把平时学的知识用上去,如从句、非谓语动词和比较等句式,关键时刻用上一两个,就会起到鹤立 鸡群的效果,使文章增色不少;再如对高级词汇的使用也可以显示出文章的文采。如very important 较平常,但用essential 就显得高出一筹;helpful 用of great help , finally 用 eventually , dirty water 用专业词汇sewage等。关联词如now… that, not … but, the more … the more, not only … but also 等的使用,会使文章逻辑结构紧密,层次鲜明,条理清楚,就更加显示出你的英文功底,但要做到这些并非一日之功,要靠平时的训练和不断积累。









英语作文 篇7

  Teachers always ask us to save as much water as possible, but most students just forget it quickly. Imagine there is no water on earth, there will be no life, because we need water to keep living. The animals and plants also need water to be alive. So we must cherish the water and use them in the proper way.


英语作文 篇8

  Hello, everybody, my name is Violet. I am a lovely girl.

  I'm ten years old. I study in No.1 Primary school. I like white. I think white is very nice. And I like wearing white clothes.my favorite subject is Chinese and Maths.I think Chinese and Maths are interesting. I like playing the flute. I am a girl with personality. I thinkI think I am the different fireworks, not the same king. This is me. Do you like me?

英语作文 篇9

  The beach is a resort integrating tourism, leisure and entertainment. When you come to Holiday Beach, the most attractive place is the Blue Sea. The water here is clear and transparent. You can see shells, transparent fish and golden sand in the nearby sea. The water here is moderately warm and suitable for swimming. Some swim in competitions, some watch who dives longer, and some play by the sea.

  Holiday beach has left us wonderful memories and infinite fun!










