
时间:2022-10-07 14:53:38 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1


  第一步,就是要采取四段式来写作文,第一段阐明主旨,二、三段分别叙述,最后一段再进行总结。每一段的起始句很重要,建议第一段的起始句采取长句的形式,而后面的段落的起始句用一些特定的显示层次的.词和词组来修饰也很重要。如“first,second,third""firstof all ,secondly,in the final analysis"等等,这样能使段与段之间的联系更加紧密。对于进行详细阐述的二、三段,建议每一段举上一两个实例,以避免给阅卷者言之无物的印象。另外,二三段的每一段的结尾应该对该段的中心思想再进行一个简要的概括,分别用一个句子即可,这样做的好处就是使阅卷者对你文章的条理性有一个更深刻的认识。最后一段照应第一段,再进行一个大意上的概括,当然,应该用另外一种语句,并在中心思想的基础上做一定的拓展。


  The impactsofChina'sentry into the world trade organization

  After years of bitter struggles and numerousnegations,China,the economy of which is one of the world's biggest ,eventually became a formalmember of the world trade organization--the largest organization thatcoordinates trade and business operations among its member states. As a matterof course,China'sentry into the TWO brought with it challenges as well as opportunities.

  First of all,Chinais to enjoy the benefits thatthe organization provides us. Lower tariffs and tax rates and fewer tradebarriers will facilitate our swift and efficient imports and exports and othertrade activities. According to the trade clauses of the WTO, the European unionshall cut down the tax rates it imposes on our exported textile products, thusavailing the arts-and-crafts companies in our country to extract more profitsfrom the business. In a sense ,the WTO means opportunity, and it sets the stagefor our business to cut a brilliant figure in the international economiccircles.

  Secondly,China's national economy is set tobe faced with fierce competition from the outside world. WTO pursues arelatively equal and free business environment for all its members, which posesa major challenge for our economy.. Such monopolous business sectors used toenjoy protections from governments of all levels as telecommunications andbanking will find themselves no longer be in a "safe box". They haveto adjust or replace their current operative and marketing strategies to copewith the "outdooors" shrewd and talented completers, or they willsuffer big losses and tough time is awaiting them. We should brace for thechallenges so as to take the initiative when competition is close at hand.

  In the final analysis, abundant opportunitiesand stiff challenges goes hand in hand with each other along withChina'sentry in the WTO.. We should make good use of the chances and meanwhilesuitably deal with the outside competition, All our efforts are to upgrade ourbusiness scales and get more integrated into the international businesscommunity.

英语作文 篇2

  最近,洋话连篇高级口语班上,来了一位新学员,个子虽然"短小精悍"名字却叫"潘高峰"。高峰属于性格活泼之人,最喜欢体育运动。这不,昨天与朋友们打蓝球时不小心摔了一跤,今天脸上贴着创可贴就来课堂了。还没到上课时间,授课的陆老师就早早地来到教室了,一看到高峰的样子,陆老师笑着随口说道:You are so terrible, You are so horrible。谁知高峰听了连连摆手:不可怕,不可怕,死不了!同学们被高峰的那个样子逗得哈哈大笑。陆老师也笑得前俯后仰:No,No,你理解错了。高峰不解:"terrible与horrible"不就是"恐怖的、可怕的"意思吗?

  陆老师解释道:"You are so terrible"可不是"你是如此可怕"的意思,"terrible"在这里是"糟糕"的'意思。一般来说,如果老美说自已"feel terrible",那他是说自已"感觉很糟糕",是指身体上感觉很不舒服。

  陆老师接着说:我们既可以用"terrible"来形容人,也可以用它来形容物。比如,同学们可以用"terrible"来形容一个教授,"He is so terrible",就是说这个教授课教得很烂。再比如用"terrible"来形容物,"The food is terrible",意思当然就是"这个东西很难吃了"。当然,"terrible"跟"horrible"的意思可以说是一模一样的,两者可以互换使用。

  陆老师解释完后,又笑着问高峰感觉如何,高峰活学活用:I feel terrible(我感到很糟糕)!

英语作文 篇3






  I’m very happy to receive your letter, and I’m glad to hear that you will go to China to learn Chinese here. I have already found a fiat for you. It is on Fangcao Street, which is not far from Jianxin Chinese School. Bus No.11 can take you there, and it is one stop before the Chinese School. The flat is on the third floor with 3 rooms, one of which is bedroom, the other two are bathroom and kitchen. There are a bed, a sofa, a desk and some chairs in this 25 square-metres small fiat, and the rent is 500 yuan per month. Maybe this fiat is not as good as your wish, but I’ll try my best to meet your needs. If it is not suitable enough, write to me and I will look for another better place.


  Hope you will come here soon!希望你不久就来这儿!

  All the best!所有最好的!

  Yours, Li Hua你的,李华












