
时间:2023-03-13 02:29:36 英语六级 我要投稿
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1.White potatoes 白薯

White potatoes don’t get the kind of praise sweet potatoes do, but these starchy tubers are still a great high-fiber, low-calorie vegetable. Baking it with the skin on will retain much more potassium than peeling, cubing and boiling.

2.Beans 豆类

Loaded with fiber and resistant starches, beans serve as a ‘probiotic food’ that feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut, or microbiome. The soluble fiber also helps keep you feeling full longer.

3.Beef 牛肉

If you’re opting for lean cuts of grass-fed beef(like top round and sirloin tip), you’ll get a good source of iron and zinc, the two most important minerals in the body. Iron helps deliver oxygen to tissues and organs, while zinc supports the immune system.

4.Pasta 意大利面

Pasta provides energy that fuels our muscles and brain once its broken down, and can serve as the perfect foundation to a meal when paired with fiber-filled vegetables, and proteins, like chicken, shrimp, or beef. Whole wheat pasta is a better-for-you option, offering more fiber and other nutrients.

5.Butter 黄油

Adding a teaspoon to sautéed vegetables will help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins(E, A, D and K). Choose butter from grass-fed cows; it has less saturated fat and more unsaturated(good) fatty acids, which can be stored in your muscle cells. They can also act as a fuel source during exercise.

6.Chocolate 巧克力

All forms of chocolate stimulate the release of ‘happiness’ neurotransmitters. It’s also rich in plant flavanols, antioxidants, and magnesium, which can help reduce stress.

7.Bacon 培根

Bacon is not only a great source of thiamine, an energy-producing vitamin, but also rich in protein and nitrates. Nitrates are actually beneficial to our heart health and immune function, and react to the acid in our stomach, forming nitric oxide, which promotes good cardiovascular function.

8.Coffee 咖啡

A cup of coffee helps boost your mood by releasing the feel-good hormone dopamine. The antioxidants and caffeine can also help improve workout performance. Just avoid a cup 4-6 hours before bed.

9.Whole eggs 整个鸡蛋

Eggs, including the yolks, are low in calories, rich in protein, and provide 19 valuable vitamins and minerals including choline and lutein, which support healthy nerve and muscle function. The yolk is rich in vitamin D and cholesterol.

10.Coconut oil 椰油

Coconut contains 90% saturated fat, mostly MCTs. MCTs allows them to permeate cells more easily than other fats for more immediate benefits. Coconut is also a natural source of lauric acid, which can kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungus on your skin.

11.Beer 啤酒

Beer contains several B vitamins, particularly folic acid, which is beneficial to heart health and preventing anemia. It also has lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which can help reduce insomnia.

12.Corn 玉米

Corn is a good source of carotenoid antioxidants that support immune, eye and skin cells from oxidation. The rich starch and fiber combo provides sustained energy release that can help with blood sugar regulation and serves as a food source for beneficial gut bacteria.

13.Full-fat dairy 全脂乳制品

Cheese, yogurt, and milk not only provide calcium and vitamin D, the fat also promotes satiety. Just be mindful of your serving size.

14.Cereal and milk 谷物和牛奶

The protein in the milk is a building block of sleep-inducing tryptophan, and carbs make tryptophan more available to the brain. This duo also contains 10 essential nutrients, including fiber, calcium, vitamin D and potassium.

15.Jerky 肉干

While some are loaded with sodium, you can find high-quality jerky for beef, turkey, chicken, and bacon lower in sodium.










