
期末试题 时间:2015-01-13 我要投稿
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3 Self-Powered Nanotech (10分)

Nanosize machines need still tinier power plants

By Zhong Lin Wang

The watchmaker in the 1920s who devised the self-winding wristwatch was on to a great idea: mechanically harvesting energy from the wearer’s moving arm and putting it to work rewinding the watch spring.
Today we are beginning to create extremely small energy harvesters that can supply electrical power to the tiny world of nanoscale devices, where things are measured in billionths of a meter. We call these power plants nanogenerators. The ability to make power on a minuscule scale allows us to think of implantable biosensors that can continuously monitor a patient’s blood glucose level, or autonomous strain sensors for structures such as bridges, or environmental sensors for detecting toxins — all running without the need for replacement batteries. Energy sources are desperately needed for nanorobotics, microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), homeland security and even portable personal electronics. It is hard to imagine all the uses such infinitesimal generators may eventually find.
In Brief
★Nanotechnology has huge potential — but those minuscule devices will need a power source that is better than a battery.
★ Waste energy, in the form of vibrations or even the human pulse, could provide sufficient power to run such tiny gadgets.
★ Arrays of piezoelectric nanowires could capture and transmit that waste energy to nanodevices.
★ Medical devices will likely be a major application. A pacemaker’s battery could be charged so it would not need replacing, or implanted wireless nanosensors could monitor blood glucose for diabetics.

王中林(Zhong Lin Wang)
3.2 第一段 (4分)

3.3 第二段 (4分)
■ 纳米科技的潜力无穷,但是这些微小的装置必须有比电池更好的电力来源。
■ 由振动甚至人体脉搏所浪费掉的能量,就可以提供足够的动力来驱动这类的小机件
■ 压电纳米线数组可以捕捉这些浪费掉的能量,并传送给纳米装置。
■ 医疗装置将会是最主要的应用项目。它们可以为起搏器的电池充电,因此不需要更换电池,也可以植入无线纳米侦测器,以监测糖尿病患的血糖浓度。

4. Finding Early Signs of Mad-Cow Disease(5分)

Disease damage: This microscopy image shows brain tissue damaged by Creutzfeldt-Jakob (可不译,照搬) disease. Researchers have made a list of blood proteins that act as early indicators of a group of diseases including bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), also known as mad-cow disease. The human form of BSE, a fatal degenerative neurological disorder, called Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

Biotech pioneer: Leroy Hood, president and cofounder of the Institute for Systems Biology, in Seattle, invented several tools, including the automated DNA sequencer that helped make it possible to sequence the human genome. Now, biotech pioneer Leroy Hood explains how Systems Biology will impact medicine.

4.1 小标题汉化(1分):发现疯牛病的早期信号(注:关键术语为划线者,以下同)
4.2 图注汉化(2分):
图1(2分):疾病损伤:此显微图片显示被克鲁兹菲尔特-雅各布疾病所损伤的大脑组织(注:Creutzfeldt-Jakob 可不用翻译,照搬即可)。研究者已经制造了一系列血蛋白,它们可作为一组疾病的早期显示剂,这组疾病包括牛海绵状脑疾病(BSE),亦被称为疯牛病。疯牛病的人类形式,一种致命的退行性神经疾病,则叫做克鲁兹菲尔特-雅格氏脑病(简称克雅氏脑病)。


一、名词解释、连线题  二、短文翻译1  三、翻译2、3 四、翻译4 五、综合题看图作答
