
时间:2022-12-09 11:20:21 高考英语 我要投稿


  none/nobody (no, one)/nothing


  ◇ none既可指人又可指物,意为“没有任何人或物;一个人也没有”,后可跟of短语连用,作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数均可。例如:

  —Have you bought any clothes?你买衣服了?


  None of us has/have been to Macao.我们没有一个人去过澳门。

  ◇ no one=nobody,只能指人,意为“没有人”;nothing只能指物,表示“没有什么(东西)”。它们不可与of短语连用,作主语时谓语动词只能用单数。例如:

  Nobody(No one)likes to lose money,does he?谁也不喜欢丢钱,对吗?

  There's nothing in the bag.口袋里什么也没有。


  ◇ manage to do sth.暗含succeed in doing sth.之意,指“(经过努力和克服困难之后)将某事做成”,即经过努力达到了目的,重点在于结果,后接动词不定式,不接v-ing。例如: He managed to finish the work in time. 他总算按时完成了任务。 Do you think you can manage to get us some tickets? 你看能想办法给我们搞几张票吗?

  ◇ try to do sth.指“设法或试图”做某事,强调要做某事或尽力做某事(但不一定成功)。例如: She will try to learn English. 她要设法学会英语。 Try not to be late again. 注意别再迟到了。

  ◇ try doing sth.的意思是“(用某种方法)试一试或试试看”,指“试”的方法或方式,看看情况会怎样或结果是否满意。例如: Try knocking at the back door if nobody answers you at the front door. 如果前门没人应,试着敲敲后门。 He tried sending her flowers,but it didn’t have any effect. 他试着给她送花,但无济于事。

  meet;meet with

  ◇ meet可作“遇见”、“迎接”解。◇ meet with表示“遇见”、“碰到”时,常含有“偶尔”的意思(=come across,come upon)。此外,meet with还可表示“遭遇”或“经历”的意思。在美国英语中,meet with还可以表示“会见”。

  1) I often meet her on the street.

  2) She said she had to go to the station to meet her uncle.

  3) I have met with this word many times in my reading.

  4) You should not lose heart when you meet with difficulty in learning a foreign language.

  5) The department head met with her in his office.

  meeting; conference; gathering; party

  ◇ meeting可以用于两人或多人,表示偶然的或拟定的,短暂的或持续的聚会。它的用途很广,可用于日常普通场合,也可用于特殊的或官方的正式场合。如:

  The students had a class meeting last Friday.

  The summit meeting of the state heads came to an end two days later.

  ◇ conference指专门性的正式会议,常用于就某个重大问题进行专门研究或交换意见的讨论会、协商会等。如:

  Many reporters came to attend the press conference.

  The annual conference of geologists will be held in Chicago this year.

  ◇ gathering一般指非正式的集会,常用于群众性的活动(像联欢会等)。如:

  A public gathering was held in Zhongshan Park on May Day.

  ◇ party指社交性或娱乐性的集会。如:

  Mary and I were invited to Jane’s birthday party the other day.

  Mr.Brown gave a dinner party last Thursday.

  merely; only; just

  ◇ 这三个词作副词表示 “仅、只”可以换用,并且都放在它们所修饰的成分之前,merely的用法较正式。 如:

  Instead of answering,she merely/only/just smiled.


  She’s come here just/only/merely to see you.


  ◇作形容词时, only表示“仅有的”;mere表示“仅仅的、单单的”;just意为“公正的”。如:

  a just man 光明正大的人

  They were the only people who had the keys. 只有他们有钥匙。

  Mere words won’t help. 光说(不做)无济于事。









