
时间:2022-12-09 18:19:55 儿童故事 我要投稿






  One day, a little horse was asked to mill flour by his mother ,He carried the two bags of wheat and left home. He was walking happily.When he came to a river,the mill was on the other side of the river and there was no bridges over the water.

  Now, what would the little horse do. Looking at the flowing water, he got confused. Then he saw an old cow eating grass on the bank, . So he asked him : “ Uncle cow, is the water deep ? And can I walk across it ? ” “ Not at all ! ” the cow said. “It’s just as high as my lower legs, you can go across it. It’s safe. ” Then the little horse was ready to go across the water. Just then, a squirrel in the tree shouted to him : “Little horse, don’t go in the water. It’s too deep. You’ll get drawned, and one of my friends got drawned in it a few days ago. ”

  So the little horse drew back his legs quickly, he had to go back to ask his mother what to do. When his mother heard his story, she laughed and said to him : “ My child, it’s not enough if you only listen to the others. you must try it by yourself, then you'll find the truth. ”

  The little horse came back to the river again. When he put his legs in the water again, the squirrel cried out again : “ Little horse, it’s dangerous, you can’t do that ! ” “Let me have a try.” The horse said. And with those words he walked carefully across the river. The water was neither that shallow as the cow had told him nor that deep as the squirrel had described. It was just OK for him.







  Zhuang Zhou's family was poor. Once, he went to the official who supervised rivers to borrow some grain. The official said: "Well, wait until the end of the year when I collect the taxes from the people, then I will lend you 300 gold pieces. All right?"

  When Zhuang Zhou heard this, he was so angry that the colow of his face changed. But he told the official this story: When I came here yesterday, on the way I heard a voice calling 'Help!' I turned my head and saw a small crucian carp in the dried-up carriage ditch."

  I went over and asked: "Little crucian carp, why are you calling for help?"

  The little crucian carp answered: "I am a subject of the Dragon King of the East China Sea. Unfortunately I fell down here. Can you give me a little water to save my life?"

  I said: "All right, I am just going to the south to sell ideas to the kings of the States of Wu and Yue. I will ask them to stir up the water of the Xijiang River to welcome you. Will that do?"

  When the crucian carp heard this, it got angry and said: "When I lose the water which is always with me, I cannot survive. Now, I want only a little bit of water so that I can survive.Yet you say such things. Then you'd better go to the salt-fish shop to look for me."



  我走过去,问它: “小鲫鱼,你为什么喊救命?”






  The Little Peasant

  Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

  There was a village where all the peasants were rich except for just one poor one, whom they called the little peasant. He did not own a single cow, and had even less money to buy one with, but he and his wife would have liked to have one ever so much.

  One day he said to her, "Listen, I have a good idea. Our kinsman the cabinetmaker should make us a calf out of wood and paint it brown so that it looks like any other calf, and with time it is sure to grow big and be a cow."

  His wife liked this idea, and their kinsman the cabinetmaker skillfully put together the calf and planed it, then painted it just right. He made it with its head hanging down as if it were grazing.

  When the cows were being driven out the next morning the little peasant called to the herder and said, "Look, I have a little calf here, but it is still small and has to be carried."

  The herder said, "All right," and taking it in his arms he carried it to the pasture where he set it in the grass.

  The little calf stood there like one that was grazing, and the herder said, "It will soon be walking by itself. Just look how it is already grazing."

  That evening when he was about to drive the herd home again, he said to the calf, "If you can stand there and eat your fill, you can also walk on your four legs. I dont want to carry you home again in my arms."

  When the herder drove the cows through the village the little peasant was standing outside his door waiting for his little calf. It was missing, and he asked where it was.

  The herder answered, "It is still standing out there grazing. It would not stop and come with us."

  The little peasant said, "Oh, I must have my animal back again."

  Then together they went back to the pasture, but someone had stolen the calf, and it was gone.

  The herder said, "It must have run away."

  The little peasant said, "Dont tell me that," and he took the herder before the mayor, who condemned him for his carelessness, and required him to give the little peasant a cow for the lost calf.

  The little peasant and his wife now had the cow that they had long wanted. They were very glad, but they had no feed for it, and could give it nothing to eat, so it soon had to be slaughtered.

  They salted the meat, and the little peasant went to town to sell the hide, hoping to buy a new calf with the proceeds.

  On the way he came to a mill, and there sat a raven with broken wings. Out of pity he picked it up and wrapped it in the hide.

  But then the weather turned very bad with a wind and rain storm. Unable to continue on his way, he returned to the mill and asked for shelter.

  The millers wife was alone in the house, and she said to the little peasant, "You can sleep in the straw there," and she gave him a piece of bread and cheese.

  The little peasant ate and then lay down with his hide at his side. The woman thought, "He is tired and has fallen asleep."

  In the meantime the priest arrived. The millers wife received him well, and said, "My husband is out, so we can have a feast."

  The little peasant listened, and when he heard them talking about feasting he was angry that he had had to make do with a piece of bread and cheese. Then the woman served up four different things: a roast, salad, cake, and wine. They were just about to sit down and eat when someone knocked on the outside door.

  The woman said, "Oh, God, its my husband." She quickly hid the roast inside the tile stove, the wine under the pillow, the salad on top of the bed, the cake under the bed, and the priest in the hallway chest.

  Then opening the door for her husband, she said, "Thank heaven, you are back again. That is such a storm, as if the world were coming to an end."

  The miller saw the little peasant lying in the straw and asked, "What is that fellow doing there?"

  "Oh," said his wife, "The poor rascal came in the storm and rain and asked for shelter, so I gave him a piece of bread and cheese, and let him lie in the straw."

  The man said, "I have nothing against that, but hurry and get me something to eat."

  His wife said, " I have nothing but bread and cheese."

  "Ill be satisfied with anything," answered her husband. "Bread and cheese will be good enough for me." Then he looked at the little peasant and said, "Come and eat some more with me."

  The little peasant did not have to be asked twice, but got up and ate.

  Afterward the miller saw the hide with the raven in it lying on the ground, and asked, "What do you have there?"







  “哦,可怜的家伙赶上暴雨了,来请求躲雨。我给了他一块面包和一点干酪,然后把他领到这里来了。”丈夫说:“行了,快点弄些吃的来吧。”可妇人说:“除了面包和干酪,别的就什么都没了。”“随便什么都行。”丈夫回答,“我现在能有面包和干酪就觉得挺不错的了。”他看着小农夫,问:“你也来和我一起吃点儿吧。”农夫毫不客气,赶紧起来吃。这时,磨坊主看到了地上的牛皮和乌鸦,问:“那是什么?”“里面是个占卜的。”农夫回答。“能预言点什么?”磨坊主问。“怎么不能!”农夫说,“不过它每次只说四件事,第五件只有它自己知道。”磨坊主好奇地说:“那就让它说点什么吧。”磨坊主说。于是农夫捅了捅乌鸦,使它“呀、呀”地叫了几声。磨坊主问:“它说啥?”农夫说:“它说,首先枕头下面有一瓶酒。”“天哪!”磨坊主喊着冲向枕头,真的从它下面拿出一瓶酒来。“让它接着说。”磨坊主说。农夫又捅了捅乌鸦,让它叫出声来,说:“这次它说烤炉里有烤肉。”“唉呀!”磨坊主惊叫着跑向烤炉,果然找到了烤肉。农夫再次让乌鸦预言,说: “这次它说床上有沙拉。”“太棒了!”说着磨坊主就走到床边,在那里找到了沙拉。农夫最后一次捅了捅乌鸦,说:“第四件,床底下有蛋糕。”“这倒不错!”磨坊主说着就朝床下看,真的有一盘蛋糕在那里。






  农夫们从村子一头往家走,小农夫赶着羊群从另一头默默进了村,样子十分满足。他们大为惊讶地问:“你从哪儿来?是从水里吗?”“是的,”小农夫说,“我一直往下沉啊沉啊,最后沉到河底,推开桶盖一看,原来是一片美丽的大草原,无数只羔羊在那里吃草。所以我就带了一群回来了。”农夫们又问:“那里还有吗?”“有啊!”他回答,“多得我想要都要不完。”农夫们决定也去赶一群羊回来。可是镇长说:“我先去。”他们一起来到河边,蓝天里正好飘过朵朵白云倒映在水中,农夫们喊道:“我们已经看到下面的羊群了!” 镇长挤到前面说:“我先下去察看一下,如果真的很多我再叫你们。”说着就“扑嗵”一声跳进水里,那声音像是在喊岸上的人们下去,于是一群人一齐跳了下去,这下子,全村人都死光了,小农夫成了唯一继承人,一下成为了大富翁。









