
时间:2022-12-07 12:55:46 心理健康 我要投稿




  怎样才算心理健康呢 你好!我正念高一,学习成绩还好,自己的人际关系不错,平常我挺喜欢看一些生活类杂志,如今关于心理健康方面的书也挺多,我不太明白,做一个怎样的人,才算心理健康。 郭玫 郭玫: 你好!你提出的问题实际,如何做一个心理健康的人,心理健康状况标准又怎样呢。一般说,心理健康的人,能排除心理的障碍,甩掉精神包袱,保持开朗、愉快的心境,充满自信心。对生活充满热爱,对自己的聪明才智和潜在能力有足够的认识。 他能从学习生活中寻求乐趣,能不断学习,培养情趣,并能靠勤奋和智慧发挥自己的能力,善于在闲暇时享受快乐。 另外,心理健康的人乐于同别人交往,能用尊敬、信任、友爱、宽容等积极态度与别人相处,能分享和接受爱与友谊。对周围社会能密切接触,正确认识,良好适应。 并且,心理健康的人,能在正确人生观和信仰的支配下,形成高尚的理想和远大的抱负。有长远的打算,能使自己的认识和行为相一致。 我谈了这些,不知你从中做到多少,中学阶段,头脑灵活,只要勇于探索,为社会所接受的。 知心姐姐


  Study the pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “How to be a Healthy Modern Man”. In the essay, you should (1) describe the pictures (2) interpret their meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)? In the modern world, mental health has become a matter of great concern. Firstly, let’s look at the pictures above. There are four pictures, which give us some advice about how to be in good mental health. The first picture tells us that happiness depends not on what you have, but on what you can give. The second one shows that you cannot decide what the weather is like, but you can decide what mood you are in. The third one shows that you should examine your own words and deeds before correcting the others. The fourth one shows you should not be always upset and should say to yourself everyday, ” I’m really good.” These pictures indicate that we should try to be in good mental health. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that people go to have some psychological consultations. This is because people in the modern world are facing great pressure from work and life. Being depressed for a long time, some problems will come out in people’s mental health. These problems will do great harm. They may cause some health problems and affect our daily life and work. To be a healthy person, mental health seems to be more important. To become a real healthy modern man, we should take the advice of the pictures. Besides, we should remember some important points. Firstly, we should be open with people. Talk with your family and your friends when you meet some difficulties. Secondly, we should be sympathetic. Since we are a part of a society, we should be concerned with it. Thirdly, we should spend some time in reading, listening to the music and learning to lessen our pressure. In this way, we can become a healthy modern man, ready to take on any challenges.


  做一个心理健康的现代人由英语作文网整理收集 英语作文网 Study the pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “How to be a Healthy Modern Man”. In the essay, you should (1) describe the pictures (2) interpret their meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)? In the modern world, mental health has become a matter of great concern. Firstly, let’s look at the pictures above. There are four pictures, which give us some advice about how to be in good mental health. The first picture tells us that happiness depends not on what you have, but on what you can give. The second one shows that you cannot decide what the weather is like, but you can decide what mood you are in. The third one shows that you should examine your own words and deeds before correcting the others. The fourth one shows you should not be always upset and should say to yourself everyday, ” I’m really good.” These pictures indicate that we should try to be in good mental health. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that people go to have some psychological consultations. This is because people in the modern world are facing great pressure from work and life. Being depressed for a long time, some problems will come out in people’s mental health. These problems will do great harm. They may cause some health problems and affect our daily life and work. To be a healthy person, mental health seems to be more important. To become a real healthy modern man, we should take the advice of the pictures. Besides, we should remember some important points. Firstly, we should be open with people. Talk with your family and your friends when you meet some difficulties. Secondly, we should be sympathetic. Since we are a part of a society, we should be concerned with it. Thirdly, we should spend some time in reading, listening to the music and learning to lessen our pressure. In this way, we can become a healthy modern man, ready to take on any challenges.


  Study the pictures above carefully and write an essay entitled “How to be a Healthy Modern Man”. In the essay, you should (1) describe the pictures (2) interpret their meaning (3) give your opinion about the phenomenon. You should write about 200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (20 points)? In the modern world, mental health has become a matter of great concern. Firstly, let’s look at the pictures above. There are four pictures, which give us some advice about how to be in good mental health. The first picture tells us that happiness depends not on what you have, but on what you can give. The second one shows that you cannot decide what the weather is like, but you can decide what mood you are in. The third one shows that you should examine your own words and deeds before correcting the others. The fourth one shows you should not be always upset and should say to yourself everyday, ” I’m really good.” These pictures indicate that we should try to be in good mental health. Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that people go to have some psychological consultations. This is because people in the modern world are facing great pressure from work and life. Being depressed for a long time, some problems will come out in people’s mental health. These problems will do great harm. They may cause some health problems and affect our daily life and work. To be a healthy person, mental health seems to be more important. To become a real healthy modern man, we should take the advice of the pictures. Besides, we should remember some important points. Firstly, we should be open with people. Talk with your family and your friends when you meet some difficulties. Secondly, we should be sympathetic. Since we are a part of a society, we should be concerned with it. Thirdly, we should spend some time in reading, listening to the music and learning to lessen our pressure. In this way, we can become a healthy modern man, ready to take on any challenges. 做一个心理健康的现代人,此文章版权归原作者所有!


  判定孩子心理是否健康,其标准大致有如下几方面:良好的生活习惯生活习惯包括饮食、睡眠、运动、言行等方面。有的幼儿喜欢在入睡时由母亲抚着、有的偏爱吃某类零食等,这也属于成长过程的正常现象,并非心理疾玻良好的个性具有一定的自尊心、自信心和自控能力,无怪癖、无恶俗举止,在日常生活中基本能保持平和、乐观、谦让、乐于助人等正常人格。 正常的智力孩子的智力水平是有差异的,只要基本符合该年龄阶段的智力发展水平,便属正常,这可从语言、想象力和思维能力等诸多方面来测定。 正常的心理素质无过分畏惧、惊恐、焦虑表现,喜怒哀乐表诸于色,活泼大方尊重他人,具有一定的适应能力。反之,常常表现出过度恐惧、多动态症、强迫症、狐独症、忧郁症以及偏执倾向等,说明孩子的心理素质并非良好。 较强的好奇心和记忆力具有较强的好奇心和记忆力,尤其是对于自己感兴趣的东西,更会显得好奇兴奋、念念不忘。如果一个孩子对任何新鲜事物都显得漠然冷淡,那么孩子的心理便有问题。 善于与人交往善于与同龄人交往,在交往的过程中能与人平等、友好、和谐地相处,无猜忌,无严重的嫉妒心理,无明显的凌弱欺小行为等。


  新华网山东频道济南5月18日电 每年的中考、高考都事关考生前途命运,使得考生和家长面临巨大压力。心理专家指出,在距中高考还有不到一个月的时间里,考生容易出现焦急、怨恨、绝望等心理变化,严重影响考试复习和临场发挥,此时家长应格外关注孩子心理健康。 山东师范大学教育科学院硕士生导师、国际家庭治疗协会会员权朝鲁教授分析,面对中高考的升学压力,绝大多数考生能够沉着应对,但也有部分考生会出现严重的焦急心理,过分担心考试成绩,导致盲目采取“疲劳战术”,在冲刺阶段超负荷加班加点。一些考生也会出现怨恨心理,将无处发泄的压力转嫁到别的地方,甚至对父母大发脾气,让家长也很害怕。个别考生甚至因为感觉升学无望,出现绝望心理。这些心理问题不仅会严重影响孩子考前复习效果和考试临场发挥,而且很可能一触即发,导致其他过激行为的发生,酿成苦果。 据了解,造成中高考前孩子心理状况剧烈波动的原因是多方面的。考生本身心理素质不过关是其中一方面因素,而部分家长单纯注重孩子考前复习,给孩子施加过多压力,也是导致孩子考前心理变化的重要原因。一些家长简单认为心理健康问题无关考试“痛痒”,或是怕耽误时间,即使发现孩子心理发生明显变化,也没有意识到或不愿对其进行引导和治疗,最终导致事态恶化。 权朝鲁介绍,针对中考、高考前出现的心理健康问题,父母要及时对孩子进行“个体治疗”,多鼓励孩子说些积极的内部和外部语言,如“自己能行”等,规避危害最大的消极内部语言,以增加孩子自信心。同时家庭对于孩子的心理健康具有不可推卸的责任,家长应积极参与孩子的心理辅导,与孩子一起进行“家庭系统治疗”。家长应调整自我心态,从自身做起,为孩子减压,并多与孩子进行心理沟通,疏导孩子考前情绪,引导孩子进行科学复习,必要时可带孩子寻求专业心理治疗。、









