微博实名制 The Real-name System of We

时间:2023-01-03 10:42:14 英语作文 我要投稿
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微博实名制 The Real-name System of Weibo-英语作文

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微博实名制 The Real-name System of Weibo-英语作文

  Weibo has been the main social software for Chinese people But as there is no law to supervise this software, many people hide their information and attack others by language violence


  In Korea, many years ago, a famous female star committed suicide, which shocked the public The female star was annoyed by the rumor that was spread in the network, then a lot of people believed the rumor and criticized her, because of the great pressure, she chose to end her life to get away of this mess The real-name system can prevent the language violence effectively, because with the public’s supervision, no one dare to spread the fake information to attack others
