
时间:2023-04-08 11:15:00 英语作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  My name is Xingxing.I have a good friend.She is a nice girl.She comes fome China.We study in same school,and we are classmates.She has short hair.Her ears are small,but her eyes are big.She has a round face,a small nose and a small mouth.She likes white very much.Her favorite food is chicken.She likes playing computer a lot.She is 11 years old.We help each other.

  This is my good friend.Her English name is Amy.

  Does she look good?

学英语作文 篇2






学英语作文 篇3

  Happiness exists everywhere. Everyone has a different definition to the true meaning of happiness. Some people think possessing a great deal of money is the secret to happiness, while others feel giving aid to others makes them happy. I approve of the latter there are many poor people in our society, and we can contribute some money to charities to help them. When the poor receive our assistance, their lives will improve. Smiles will appear on their faces, and this is the best reward we can get from helping others. Regardless of gratitude of price, we should help others from the depths of our hearts. When we see their happy smiles, we will be happy as well. So I think that true happiness comes from the mind.

学英语作文 篇4

  In the summer the trees and leaves are green.Flowers are open too.People dont like to go outside.They want to stay at home.Because in the room.Its very cool.

  In the summer.People like to eat ice-cream.So there are many kinds of ice-cream.

  I like swimming and I like eat ice-cream.So I like summer too.

  I like summer very much!

学英语作文 篇5

  There are a lot of people learning English in china. Why do people learn English in china? Because they think it is very useful. Beijing’successful bid for the 20 Olympic Games encourages more people to learn English. How can we learn English well? At first, I try to speak as much as I can. I speak English with my classmates and teachers in school.

  Secondly, I listen to English as often as possible in and out of class and write down the important things the teacher teaches in class. Thirdly, at night I like to listen to the English songs at home. At last, I go over my lessons and do a lot of practice after class. Fourthly, it is also important to remember the English words .I think if we do like this, we can learn English well. In fact, there is no good and easy way to learn English well. But there is nothing difficult if we put our heart into it.

学英语作文 篇6

  Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon.

  In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.

  This morning the typhoon had already left.


  Yesterday my teacher told us that there was a typhoon and I was so scared of it.After dinner we prepared some candles and lighters in case there was no eletricity.And then we were just sitting in the living room and watching the news about the typhoon.

  In the middle night,the wind blowed harder and the rain came down harder,too.The trees outside were blowed by the strong wind and batter a lot.The sounds outside was very loud and scary.Sometimes I could hear an ambulance driving by I hope it was not someone hit by an object.

  This morning the typhoon had already left.My grandfather and I decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.Some trees fail down,some cars were damaged and some houses were damaged,too.But my father's car,my house and my family are fine.

  Thank god!

学英语作文 篇7




学英语作文 篇8

  We are going to the science museum tomorrow. There is an old thing show in the Museum. Do you know how we can get to the science museum

  The science museum is next to the People’s Park. It’s isn’t far from our school. So we can go there on foot .Walk straight to the west from our school, next turn left at the post office and walk for about 5 minutes, then turn right at traffic lights. You can find the People’s Park on the right . Walk straight, and you’ll see the science museum.




学英语作文 篇9


  抄写英文单字是一种乐趣,背英文单字却也是一种脑力激荡。老师每天节录网路英语教学节目的单字,给大家誊写在练习本中,接着就要到小老师那边背读昨天抄写 的英文单字。虽然它也算是回家功课之一,但是这样的一个方式能养成思考的观念,因为对我这位英文程度稍差的'学生而言,当你在背单字的时候,常常因为忘记而 背不出来,这时你的大脑就会开始思考这个英文单字到底怎么背,也会想起课堂中老师透过有趣引导的方式,教导我们如何快速记忆单字。当你被完了,小老师就会 帮你盖个肯定的章,似乎得到了一个小小的勋章,好像在闯关游戏一般,也表示你已经完成这一项功课了。


学英语作文 篇10

  A big fire

  one night wu gang was lying in bed. then suddenly a loud cry for help woke him up. he looked out of the window and found his neighbours house was on fire.

  wu gang hurried to telephone 119 for help. then he ran out at once. he saw many people trying to put out the fire with water, and he quickly joined in. after some time, the firefighters arrived, the big fire was out at last. luckily, no house was destroyed by the fire and all the people were safe.










