
时间:2023-06-10 09:35:02 英语作文 我要投稿
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英语作文600字 篇1

  随着中国经济的发展,环境问题也越来越突出。保护环境,成了我们重要的责任。如果我们再让情况如此下去的话,留给我们后代的恐怕就不是一个健康的.地球了。这给我们敲响了一个警钟,那就是要尽快实施环境保护的一些措施。最近,很多问题越来越明显的出现在公众的眼中。食品安全问题、酸雨问题、水资源缺乏问题、气候问题,all f all,归根结底都是环境的问题。社会的发展应该成为环境保护的基石,我们应该用不断产生的新技术来保护环境。同时,环境的保护应该成为社会发展的一个重要的部分。综上所述,我认为环境的保护应该从两个方面来实施。On the ne hand, 相应的法律应该被制定b政府。On the ther hand, 环保意识应该在公众中间进行广泛的宣传。我相信如果我们始终把环保问题放在发展的第一位,我们的社会将更快更健康的发展。

  As the develping f Chinese ecn, the prble f prtecting envirnent is becing re and re iprtant. It is a crucial respnsibilit fr us. If Drea, as the star n the night, can direct peple g ahead. I want t be a painter fr childhd. I want t erize all beautiful things in the wrld b pencil. I have an fancies abut wrld. I want t g t all ver the wrld, seeing the scener, and nte all experience in wn wa. I can use the blue t paint the taste f drea, use the red t paint the hpe f trrw, use the green t safeguard the wrld, use the white t envelp the spt f the wrld.

英语作文600字 篇2

  Dear Zhang

  I am really sorry to tell you that I was unable to attend your birthday party yesterday evening.That is owing to the fact that my old friends visited my house without telling me the exact time.I had to entertain those friends with my passion in the entire eveningand I will continue to entertain them in the following two days.

  I really regret that I haven't go to celebrate your birthday personally and had missed a wonderful chance to enjoy myself with our kind colleages.I have prepared a pretty gift to you yesterday and will send to you this afternoon to show my best birthday wishes.BesidesI trust that you will understand me.

  Best wishes

  yours sincerely








英语作文600字 篇3





  第三天,要发试卷了。我又念了一遍那句话:“一百分一定属于我!”“赵玉颖,90分!”老师把90这个字咬的重重的,我脚下那朵幸福的云突然消失了,自己 就像掉入了悬崖一般,那个分数让我心如刀割。不管怎样,我只能接受事实,我低着头,红着脸,慢慢地去拿试卷,那张试卷真得不忍心多看一眼。








英语作文600字 篇4

  My name is XXX. I am graduate from XXXXsenior high school and major inXXX. There are XXX people in my family. My father works in a computer company. And my mother is a housewife. I am the youngest one in my family. In my spare time, I like to read novels. I think reading could enlarge my knowledge. As for novels, I could imagine whatever I like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. In addition to reading, I also like to play PC games. A lot of grownups think playing PC games hinders the students from learning. But I think PC games could motivate me to learn something such as English or Japanese. My favorite course is English because I think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. I wish my English could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent English in the future.

英语作文600字 篇5

  Tomb sweeping is the traditional custom of the Chinese nation. This year, the qingming festival came again, and my parents and I went back to our hometown to visit our grandma's grave.

  When I arrived at the tomb, I added to my grandmother's grave and cleared the weeds around the tomb. I have never seen grandma, and my father said that grandma is a very loving and kind old man. If she can live to the present, she will be very happy to see us grow up happily. I looked up at my mother with tears in her eyes.

  At this time, I was reminded of "rains fall heavily as qingming comes, and passers-by with lowered spirits go" this poem, is also more deeply understand the meaning of it, the original "as" the rain is not the nature of the rain, but the tears of missing loved ones!

英语作文600字 篇6

  Chinese is the necessary subject for students to learn. Even though some students learn Chinese all the time, they know little about Chinese culture. Today, the world is crazy about learning mandarin. A lot of foreigners are interested in Chinese culture, and they learn the traditional thoughts from Chinese great minds, such as Confucious. They also learn Tai Chi and they love it. On the contrary, many Chinese students are not interested in our culture, and they feel bored to learn. We should learn and get to know our culture well. It is our duty, or someday we will be kicked out and lag behind others. In the future, China will take the lead on economy.


英语作文600字 篇7

  Summer is the second season of the year. When summer comes, it is getting hot and sunny. The days are getting longer and the nights are getting shorter, for the sun gets up early and goes to bed late.

  The world has become a green world, green leaves on the trees, green grass by the river, green plants in the fields, and we can see beautiful flowers everywhere. Birds sing from morning till night.

  It's so hot that all of the children go swimming in rivers or lakes, and the old people sit under big trees to enjoy the cool air, but the farmers are still busy working in the fields.














