
时间:2023-03-17 13:16:36 英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1


  1.We're often told that that...But is this really the case?


  2.People used to... However,things are quite different today.


  3. Some people think that... Others believe that the opposite is true.

  There is probaly some truth in both sides. But we must realize that...


  4.Recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution.


  5.It is another new and bitter truth we must learn to face.


  6.In short, we must work hard to make the world a better place.


  7.Lost time is never found again.


  8.Everybody should have a dream.


  9. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.


  10.Failure is the mother of success.


  11.Let's look on the bright side .




  intend /plan to do 打算做......

  be going to do 打算做......

  decide to do决定做......

  determine to do决定做......

  be determine to do 决定做......

  make up one's mind to do 下定决心做......


  want to do= would like to do想做......

  hope to do希望做......

  expect to do期待做......

  wish to do 希望做......

英语作文 篇2




















英语作文 篇3

  I am a boy in the age of ugly in appearance, is not high, not short, not fat not thin, long a pair of small eyes, slightly different is my skin is very white, my mother said, as if it is made of tofu, but my perseverance and courage but steely, not vague.

  Last summer, my mother bought me a pair of skating shoes. I just bought a home, my mother didn't let me move, please speak a coach to teach me, but I don't believe in evil, I opened the package, the helmet, knee, palm to wear etc. altogether, such as good arm, mother came to help me, I pushed my mother's hand, and leaning on the sofa the wall step by step on the balcony of norway. On the balcony, I grabbed the burglar window, and practiced on the left and right for a short time. In less than half an hour, I could slip away, so I shouted to my mother, "Mom, look at me, I will." Who knows the voice has just fallen, I just sat down on the ground, and we laughed together: why not? Laughing, climbing up and practicing, so, two days after falling and falling down, there was a skating boy coming and going like the wind.

  I have many hobbies in sports outside, also love singing, playing the piano, when done in a command, the school's literary activities. But I love the most is reading, therefore, my mother called "little bookworm."

  Maybe I did not work seriously and actively, and I created a "myth" - six consecutive year's deputy monitor. Each semester, the "Vice" follow me, let me lose masculinity. I often dream, why didn't the eclipse of the moon eclipse that "vice word"? Without this "pair" word I do not have a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment? Heh heh... Come on.


  我是一个其貌不扬的男孩,在同龄人中,不高不矮,不胖不瘦,长着一双小眼睛,略微不同之处是我的皮肤很白,妈妈说,好象是豆腐做的.,但我的毅力和勇气 却如同钢铁般坚韧,决不含糊。




英语作文 篇4

  We only have one earth, but this unique earth is not simple。 There are many things need people to understand, to solve。 Let me take illness as an example。 Everyone will get ill, such as catch a cold, have a fever, cough, sugar diabetes and so on。 These diseases are so common。 As people have paid attention on them, anyone who gets any disease of them would not have to worry about too much。 They will be cured at last。 However, there are some rare diseases, which not many people realize。 Some people fracture head touched on the bone, some people all body is white, some people is difficult to control bleeding once he falls to bleed, some peoples all body muscle is weakness and atrophy。 The chance to have those kinds of diseases is one in a million。 But it is hard for them to be diagnosed and even they were diagnosed, the cure is limited and expensive。 Those poor people need the notice of the society。 They need to be treated, to be cared and to be understood。 Help them, please。


英语作文 篇5

  As they differ in their interests, abilities and objectives in life, different people pursue different careers. Some love to be doctors, while others prefer to be scientists. Some like to be workers, whereas others choose to be technicians. My ideal career, however, is teaching. The reasons are as follows.

  First,I can enjoy much freedom in my work. I will not frequently be told what to do and how to do it. The content of my lessons and the way I give them are largely determined by myself, which will leave more room for my imagination and creativity. In addition, I can always stay young mentally. Being with the young people most of the time, I will be influenced by their idea and lifestyle. I will then, feel that i am always in fashion. furthermore, I will have two long vacations and much flexible time in which I can enjoy doing what I like to do.

  But teaching is also a demanding career, especially in a society as ours in which new things and knowledge come in multitude. therefore,I have to read as much as possible to acquire the knowledge needed for my work.

英语作文 篇6

  It is well-known that the use of English ismore and more popular. For me , learning English is not easy at first. But I feelbetter later on. Maybe just because I find my own way to learn English.


  First of all, I read the vocabulary behindthe text-book twice every morning reading and then I will remember them againat noon or in the evening before I go to sleep. I find it works. Because after Iremember the vocabulary well, I find it easy to learn the text. Moreover, when Ican learn the text well, I find that I ‘m interested in learning English. Of course,I feel confidence in the study of English. As a result, because I find my wayto learn English, then I will have interest and confidence on it. And then I findlearning English is easy.


英语作文 篇7

  Dear David, I’m glad that you've noticed our efforts directed towards environmental protection. Thank you for your concern. As too much use of plastic bags has caused serious white pollution, our govenment encourages us to use environment-friendly shopping bags. These bags are made of a variety of material that can be easily treated when they become rubbish. Besides, they can be reused. More and more people in China have realized the advantages of such bags and started using them. I believe that the wide use of these shopping bags can greatly improve our environment. This is one of the many steps we are to make our country an even cleaner place.

  Yours, Li Hua



英语作文 篇8

  Nowadays, television plays a very important role in our lives. It brings many advantages to us but also some disadvantages. Is television a blessing or a curse?


  On the one hand, television has great contributions to make our lives be more wonderful. First, it provides a convenient way for us to get information from all over the world, which lets us keep abreast with the times. Second, various TV programs provide another way for us to relax and entertain. People can release pressure by watching TV programs.


  On the other hand, however, television also brings some disadvantages to us. For example, some people indulge themselves in watching TV and neglect their study and work. Besides, some TV programs are inappropriate for children, such as TV series concerning violence and sex. Last but not least, watching TV too much is bad for children’s eyesight.


  As far as I am concerned, television itself is neither a blessing nor a curse. If we use it properly, we can benefit from it and avoid its harmfulness.


英语作文 篇9

  对爱的渴望,对知识的探索和对人类苦难的难以忍受的怜悯。the longing for love, the search for knowledge,and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.

  这些激情象飓风,无处不在、反复无常地吹拂着我,吹过深重的苦海,濒于绝境。these passions,like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

  我寻找爱,首先是因为它使人心醉神迷,这种陶醉是如此的美妙,使我愿意牺牲所有的余生去换取几个小时这样的欣喜。i have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy --ecstasy so great

  that i would often have sacrificed all the rest of life for a few hours of this joy.

  我寻找爱,还因为它解除孤独,在可怕的孤独中,一颗颤抖的灵魂从世界的边缘看到冰冷、无底、死寂的深渊。 i have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness -- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss.

  最后,我寻找爱,还因为在爱的交融中,神秘而又具体而微地,我看到了圣贤和诗人们想象出的天堂的前景。finally, because in the union of love i have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.

  这就是我所寻找的,而且,虽然对人生来说似乎过于美妙,这也是我终于找到了的。i have sought it, this is what i sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what --at last -- i have found.

  以同样的激情我探索知识。with equal passion i have sought knowledge.

  我希望能够理解人类的心灵。i have wished to understand the hearts of men

  我希望能够知道群星为何闪烁。i have wished to know why the stars shine.

  我试图领悟毕达哥拉斯所景仰的数字力量,它支配着此消彼涨。仅在不大的一定程度上,我达到了此目的。and i have tried to apprehend the pythagorean power by which number holds sway above

  the flux.a little of this, but not much, i have achieved.

  爱和知识,只要有可能,通向着天堂。love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens.

  但是怜悯总把我带回尘世。痛苦呼喊的回声回荡在我的内心。but always pity brought me back to earth. echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart.

  忍饥挨饿的孩子,惨遭压迫者摧残的.受害者,被儿女们视为可憎的负担的无助的老人,连同这整个充满了孤独、贫穷和痛苦的世界,使人类所应有的生活成为了笑柄。我渴望能够减少邪恶,但是我无能为力,而且我自己也在忍受折磨。children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of

  loneliness,poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be.i long to alleviate the evil, but i can't , and i too suffer.


  次。 this has been my life. i have found it worth living, and would gladly e

  live it again if the chance were offered me.










