约会失败面试落选 常见5种失望情绪如何处理

时间:2023-03-09 20:00:56 英语四级 我要投稿
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约会失败面试落选 常见5种失望情绪如何处理

One of the most bummer emotions in life is disappointment. When you think something is going to happen, or you're going to be treated a certain way and it doesn't come through, you can find yourself suddenly suffering from some serious emotional blues. Obviously, not all disappointment is the same, and when it happens you can feel a myriad of emotions related to it. So take a minute and check out these five different types of disappointment and how to deal.

约会失败面试落选 常见5种失望情绪如何处理

1. A first date with a guy you met on a dating app doesn't spark. This sucks. Fun chatting on a dating app doesn't always translate to real life. As nice as it is to get a little extra attention, meeting IRL can end up being a dud.
第一次与约会app上结识的人见面却不来电。 真是糟透了!在约会app上聊得很开心,并不表示来到真实生活中也如此。在真实生活中见面既可能引来更多一点的关注,也能终止不看好的关系。

How to deal: Try a different approach to meeting a mate. Take a cool class, say hi to that cute stranger on the street, and try swiping right on a person you might normally pass up! You never know who is going to surprise you!
如何处理: 尝试不同的约会途径。报名去上有意思的课,跟街上可爱的陌生人打个招呼,尝试约会可能经常与你擦肩而过的人!你永远想不到谁会给你带来惊喜!

2. You didn't get the dream job you interviewed for. Ugh. Job hunting is tough and when you finally get an interview for a job you have literally only dreamed of, it's easy to get your hopes up and start spending the money you actually haven't earned yet.
没有得到你面试的梦想工作。 呃,求职是件残酷的事,当你最终得到你内心所梦想的那份工作的面试机会时,你很容易就会期望甚高,而且开始花你实际上还没有拿到手的钱。

How to deal: Be sure to thank the people who interviewed you and ask that they keep you in mind for future opportunities. The best thing to do is keep at it! Throw enough things at the wall, something is bound to stick.
如何处理: 一定要感谢面试你的人,并请他们在将来有工作机会时考虑你。最好的做法就是继续努力!水到渠成,铁杵磨成针。

3. You didn't get the raise you wanted at work. Unfortunately there are a lot of factors that can play into this, but the overriding disappointment is you thought you were getting a bump in pay, and for whatever reason, it's not happening.
你没有得到希望的加薪。 很不幸,出现这种情况是由多种因素造成的,但最重要的是你失望于本以为薪水大涨的,到头来却莫名地竹篮打水一场空。

How to deal: Whatever the reason, the best way to deal is to remain calm, friendly and dedicated to your job. Attitude plays a huge part in getting what you want. There's also no law saying you can't start looking for another opportunity that will give you the pay you deserve!
如何处理: 不论原因何在,最好的做法是保持镇静、友好,并继续努力工作。你能得到什么,很大程度上取决于你的态度。而且也没有一条法规说你不能开始去寻找另一份工作机会啊,在那里你就能得到应得的报酬了!

4. Big plans fall through. Oooh…there's nothing worse than having a trip, concert, party etc. on your calendar only to have it fall through at the last minute. Talk about excitement crushing.
大计划落空。 呜……再也没有比这更糟的了,你本来在日历表上筹划好了一次旅行、一场音乐会或聚会等等,到最后一刻,计划却落空了。实在是太扫兴了!

How to deal: Instead of wallowing in disappointment, make a list of other fun things you can do instead and start doing them! You'll forget about those failed plans in no time!
如何处理: 与其沉溺于失望的泥淖之中,不如赶紧列几条其它你能做的有意思的事,然后开始做起来!你会一下子就把落空的计划抛到脑后的!

5. That perfect bag, outfit, accessory etc you ordered online actually sucks and doesn't look good IRL. Seriously, how many times have you lusted after something you see online, saved up money, ordered it, received it and find out that it absolutely sucks/looks bad.
你在网上订购了完美的包包、服装、配饰等等,但它们在真实生活中看起来很差。 讲真,有多少次你对网上的某样东西充满渴望,然后攒钱买下来,最后收到货却发现它非常差!

How to deal: Best way to deal is to simply return it, dig through your closet for something you may have forgotten about and/or hit the mall for something you can try without paying a shipping fee.
如何处理: 最好的处理方式就是真接退货,到自己的衣柜里翻翻看有没有某样已经忘了的东西可以拿来用,并且/或者去逛商场买件既可以试穿又不用付运费的衣服。

【约会失败面试落选 常见5种失望情绪如何处理】相关文章:









