新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson28

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新概念第三册自学导读 Lesson28

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Notes on the text课文注释

1 I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed,我刚刚一下船就被……人纠缠住了。 no sooner… than…作“刚……就……”讲

2 go to great lengths to do sth.,竭力做某事。

3 get rid of,摆脱。

4 as a special favour,作为一种特殊的优惠。

5 throw up his arms in despair,绝望地举起双手。





Multiple choice questions

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1 At what point did the tradesmen start trying to sell their merchandise?

a.Once it had been brought to them by the small boats.

b.While they were laying it out on the decks.

c.As soon as the liner had anchored in the harbour.

d.Once the tourists had arrived on board.

2 What happened once the writer got on shore?

a.A man who had followed him off the ship tried to sell him a diamond.

b.He was made to look at some diamonds against his will.

c.A man started pestering him to buy a diamond.

d.On his way to a shop, he met a man who was selling diamonds.

3 What made the writer finally buy the pen?

a.He had been unable to make the man understand he did not want it.

b.The man eventually agreed to his original offer.

c.He decided it was the only way to get rid of the man.

d.He was afraid the man might otherwise become violent.
Structure 结构

4 But I decided to disembark ______ anything. (11. 7-8)

a.before I would buy

b.until I was buying

c.until I had bought

d.before buying

5 I was assailed by a man who wanted ______ a diamond ring. (1. 9)

a.that I bought

b.for me to buy

c.me to buy

d.my buying

6 ---- of buying one, but the man ______ that I was impressed … (1. 10)

a.must have noticed

b.had to notice

c.must notice

d.could notice

7 The man said that although the pen was worth £50, as a special favour, ______ for £30. (11. 16-17)

a.he would let it to me

b.he could have let me have it

c.it would have been mine

d.he might give me

Vocabulary 词汇

8 It was difficult to ______ temptation. (11. 5-6)





9 ______ I was approached by a man who was selling … (1. 14)

a.The later

b.On the next time



10 ---- and held up five fingers indicating I ______ to pay five pounds. (1. 17)


b.was ready to



11 The man acted as if he found my offer ______ … (1. 18)





12 ______ hard I tried, it was impossible to fill the pen. (11. 21-22)




d.So ever

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