
时间:2023-01-10 11:20:54 英语六级 我要投稿
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Finding last-minute costumes -- especially for college students -- can be a challenge. With a little creativity, however, putting together a last-minute costume can be as fun as it is quick.



5 Last-Minute Costumes for College Students


1.Make a dash to a thrift store and let your imagination run wild. Fortunately, thrift stores have a ton of items you can use for a Halloween costume -- and at prices that most college students can afford.
去二手商店转转,充分发挥你的想象力。 幸运的是,二手商店有许许多多的东西能够为你的万圣节服装派上用场,而且价格也是大多数大学生能够接受的。
Try heading there without a predetermined idea of what you want to be, however, since having an open mind might lead to more ideas. A general idea, of course, can be helpful. Think about a certain decade you like -- 60s? 70s? -- and try looking for things that fit the style of that time. Or think about a general character you think you can pull off -- bad teacher?nerd? mechanic? -- and try finding items that fit a caricature of that person. Additionally, keep in mind that a basic outfit can be made much better with some great accessories. If you can only find drab clothes, head over to the bracelets, glasses, shoes, and bags section to see how you can spruce your costume up.
尝试着摆脱已有的想法,但是,开放的头脑可以让你想出更多的点子。 当然,笼统的想法也是有帮助的。想想你喜欢哪个年代的风格,60年代?70年代?然后去找找符合那个年代风格的道具。或者想想你大概可以扮演哪一个角色,例如坏老师?书呆子?机修工?然后再去找找适合这个人物的道具。此外请记住,一套基础的服装,如果加上一些漂亮的配饰会给你大大加分。如果你只能找到一些颜色单调的衣服,你可以通过手链、眼镜、鞋子和包来展示你的着装品位。

2.Go for something easy and classic. Halloween itself is classic for a reason, so don't feel like you have to go all out -- especially if you're trying to find a costume at the last minute. Consider going as something traditional, like a vampire, witch, zombie, or prisoner. Not only do these costumes need basic clothes (all black, a jacket/cape), but they can be accented with some basic make-up that can easily be found in your friends' rooms or at the drugstore.
Basic costumes like these can also be easy to find, even at the last minute, at local places like a drug store or discount store.


3. Think sports figures. If you're really stuck without a costume, think about whom you know. Do you know any basketball players? Football players? Anyone who plays rugby, ultimate frisbee, soccer, volleyball, cheer, or swimming?

Without knowing it, they have a costume ready to go. See if you can borrow their sports uniform for the night (while promising to bring it back clean, of course) for an instant, last-minute, totally-free costume.

找运动选手帮忙。 如果你实在找不到服装,想想那些你认识的人。你是否认识一写篮球运动员?或者橄榄球、极限飞碟、排球、啦啦队或游泳的选手?


4.Think like an animal. You don't need to have a complicated costume to pull of something from the animal kingdom. A black cat costume, for example, simply requires some black clothes, a little headband with some ears (which you could make from cardboard you find around the residence hall), and a few whiskers put on with eyeliner. Other animals can be just as easy to make with a little creativity. Remember, too, that your college mascot is likely an animal -- meaning there will be a lot of things you can use (furry tiger tail, anyone?) in your campus bookstore.
动物风格服装 。你不需要真的弄来动物来完成一件复杂的服装。例如,黑猫装只需要一些黑色的衣服、带着耳朵的头饰(可以用宿舍里的硬纸板制作),以及一些胡须搭配眼线笔来使用。至于其他的动物形象,只要加入一点点创意,制作起来也很简单。你还得记住,你在大学里扮演的角色是动物,这意味着你在学校书店可以买到很多的东西来使用(毛茸茸的老虎尾等)。

5.Turn on the TV for your on-air lookalike. Chances are, there is someone on TV who you look like. See whose popular these days and who you can imitate in a flash. Consider major celebrities, someone in the news (a little silver hair paint and you can be an instant Anderson Cooper), a celebrity chef, a comedian, a late-night TV host, someone in reality TV, or even someone from a well-known commercial (Flo, anyone?). With so many channels and shows, there's bound to be someone you can imitate in a pinch. If you're still stuck, however, try to think outside the TV box for a minute. Is there someone from a current movie you could dress up as? Or someone from a video that's recently gone viral? If you're totally stuck, ask your friends for help; chances are, they'll have just as much fun suggesting people you can dress up like as you'll have putting your last-minute costume together.
打开电视,看看你和哪个明星长得相像。 如果你长得像电视里的某个明星,那么机会就来了。看看最近有哪些比较红而你又能快速模仿的明星。可以是大牌明星,新闻人物(把头发染上银色可以秒变安德森·库珀)、明星厨师、喜剧演员、深夜节目主持人、真人秀中的人物甚至商界名人。现在有许许多多的频道和节目,一定有你可以在节日来临之际模仿的人物。如果你仍旧拿不定主意,你可以试着考虑一下电视节目之外的角色。最近看的电影中有没有可以模仿的角色呢?或者说走红视频中的人?如果你完全想不出来,可以向你的朋友们求助。如果他们能推荐一些你可以模仿的有趣角色,那么你就可以抓住机会在节日来临之际制作出服装啦。









