
时间:2017-05-25 09:48:38 笑话 我要投稿


  在日常繁忙的生活,也不要忘记了放松自己。下面阳光网小编为大家带来趣味幽默 笑话四则,希望大家喜欢!



  Jenny Cordon was a very kind and beautiful woman and before she married, many men were in love with her. Many of them wrote to her, telling her how wonderful she was, how much they loved her and wanted to marry her.


  Jenny kept all these letters. She tied them up with a red ribbon and put them away in an old box. She never looked at them as she was happily married,however, they were a part of her life and she did not want to throw them away.

  珍尼收藏 着所有的情书。她用了一条红色的丝带把那些信件系好,放在了一个旧盒子里面。自从她有了完美的婚姻以后她就再也没有打开过那些信件。然而,那毕竟是她生命中所渡过的一段美妙的时光,所以她并不打算把那些信件给扔掉。

  Jenny had a daughter, Sue. Sue was six.


  One day, Jenny had to leave Sue alone for half an hour.


  "Now be a good girl,” she said. “Play quietly. If you need anything, go to the lady next door.”


  When she returned home, she asked Sue,“Have you been a good girl?"


  "Oh , yes,Mommy ,”Sue said.


  "What did you do while I was out?" Jenny asked her.


  "I played mailman” Sue told her.

  “我假扮邮递员做游戏 。”苏说。

  "How could you play mailman, darling?" Jenny asked. "You didn't have any letters.”


  "Oh, yes I did, Mommy,”Sue said: "I found some in an old box upstairs. They were tied up with a red ribbon. I put one in every mailbox in the street. Wasn't I a good girl?"



  When I was 28,I was teaching English to high school freshmen in a schools where occasionally the faculty and staff were allowed to dress down.

  28岁那年,我在一所高中教一年级学生英语 。这所学校允许教职员工有时不必穿得那么正式。

  One of those days, I donned a sweatshirt and slacks. A student came in and his eyes widened.


  "Wow!” He exclaimed. "You should wear clothes like that everyday. You look twenty, maybe even thirty years younger”



  Two men were traveling along the same road. When one of them, picking up a hatchet, cried:


  "See what I have found!”


  "Do not say I,” said the other, "but we have found.”


  After a while up came the man who lost it, and accused he was a theft.


  "Alas,” said he to his companion, "we are undone!”


  “Do not say we,” replied the other, "but, I am undone; for he that will not allow his friend to share the prize must not expect him to share the danger.”



  little boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand.


  "Hello, Mr. Smith,” He said. “I want thirteen pounds of coffee at 32 cents.”


  "Very good,” said the grocer, and he noted down the sale.


  "Anything e1se, Charlie?"


  "Yes. Twenty一seven pounds of sugar at 9 cents.”


  "The loaf, eh? And what else?"


  "Seven and a half pounds of bacon at 20 cents.”


  "That will be a good brand. Go on.”


  "Five pounds of tea at 90 cents; eleven and a half quarts of molasses at 8 cents a pint; two eight一pound hams at 21 cents, and five dozen jars of pickled walnuts at 24 cents a jar.”


  The grocer made out the bill.


  "It’s a big order,” he said. "Did your mother tell you to pay for it?"


  "My mother,” said the boy, as he pocketed the neat and accurate bill, "has nothing to do with this business. It is my arithmetic lesson and I had to get it done somehow.”

  小男孩一面把那清楚准确的账单放进口袋一面说:“这和我妈没关系,这是我自己的算术作业,我总得想办法 把它做出来!”







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