小学英语教案:U5 How old are you

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小学英语教案:U5 How old are you

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Unit 5 How old are you ?
能初步听懂、会说、会读单词lovely, nine, eight, our, five, six, seven, ten.
2. 能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.
能在情境中感知如何谈论年龄,能初步听懂、会说、会读句型日常交际用语:How old are you? I’m … . How lovely! Here you are.
step 1. Greeting and warm up
T: …, please close the door.
…, please close the window.
T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.
Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Cui.
T: …, can you count from one to ten? 学生试着说。
What’s this number? (呈现数字8)
Ss: Eight. (T教eight,以同样的方法教nine,ten)
Step 2.Presentation and practice .
T:(出示Mike, Helen, Tim的图片)Look, Helen is Mike’s brother. Mike is nine. And how old are you?
Ss: I’m eight/nine /ten .
T: Good. And how old is Helen? Guess! (引导学生猜测Helen的'年龄)

Step 3. Learn to say .
出示图片T:This is a museum. Mike and his family are in a museum. What can you see? Ss: Toys.
T: Yes, and what are they going to do ? Let’s have a look.
1.观看动画,整体感知课文:Do they see toys in the museuml? How do they feel?
Find the sentence: Look!How lovely!
2.提出问题,让学生带着问题再听一遍录音:How old is Mike? How old is Helen?
How old is Tim?
学生操练:How old are you ? I’m nine/eight/two.
仔细读课文,找出: What is for Mike/Helen/Tim?
出图片3 :This is for you. Thank you.
出图片4 :Here you are . Thank you.
4.Read after the tape.逐句跟读,注意语音语调。
Read together. 注意人物的表情和动作。
Read in roles.让学生自己去读,感受语音语调,鼓励学生加入自己的感情动作来表演对话。
Retell. 出示图片,让学生回忆出气泡里的内容
Act in roles. 4人小组进行表演。

Step 4 Consolidation
Make a dialogue.
T:Now I’m the shopkeeper at the Toy Museum. Look at the toys .
Ss: How lovely!
T: Hello! How old are you?
S: I’m … .
T: This …is for you./Here you are.

2. 抄写四会单词。
3. 记住家里的电话号码、门牌号、车牌号

【小学英语教案:U5 How old are you】相关文章:

1.《How to Grow Old》英语美文欣赏

2.how do you do英语作文

3.流行英文歌曲:How Would You Feel (Paean)

4.幼儿园中班英语教案:Do you want to eat?

5.《废柴联盟》S01E04插曲:How you like me now?

6.经典英文儿歌:This old man

7.A letter to my old friend初中作文

8.Rochester:I love you. I love you!